Stoichiometric production of ethylene glycol from CO and H2 using homogeneous solutions of Mo or W hydride cátions with Rh or Co carbonyl anions


  • Romeu José Daroda Departamento de Química, Centro de Ciências Naturais e Exatas - CCNE Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - UFSM, Santa Maria, RS.
  • Geoffrey Wilkinson Chemistry Department, Imperial College of Science and Technology, London, England.



Win this paper we report the stoichiometric reduction of carbon monoxide coordinated to a metal, by hydrogen (hydride) using a homogeneus ionic system formed by combining two ionic complexes suche as [MoH3 (PMePh2) 3]+ or [WH5 (PMePh2)4]+ with [Rh12 (CO)34]2- or [Co (CO)4]- in polar medium acting  as solvent. In a atmosphere os synthesis-gas, using pressures from 5 to 100 atms. and temperatures from 25 to 200°C a detectable amount of ethylene glycol were produced and identified by gas-liquidi-chromatography (g.l.c.), infrared, 1H n.m.r. and gas chromatography - mass spectra (G.C./M.S.).


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Author Biographies

Romeu José Daroda, Departamento de Química, Centro de Ciências Naturais e Exatas - CCNE Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - UFSM, Santa Maria, RS.

Geoffrey Wilkinson, Chemistry Department, Imperial College of Science and Technology, London, England.


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How to Cite

Daroda, R. J., & Wilkinson, G. (1980). Stoichiometric production of ethylene glycol from CO and H2 using homogeneous solutions of Mo or W hydride cátions with Rh or Co carbonyl anions. Ciência E Natura, 2(2), 33–40.