Electronic waste. Military organization. Environmental management.Abstract
The article deals with the analysis of the disposal of electronic waste in the military organization 13th Mechanized Communications Company and its overall objective to characterize the procedures used in the management of electronic waste. The theoretical framework deals with electronic waste concepts, the situation of waste in Brazil, incorrect disposal of the consequences and possible solutions for final disposal. A case study where the data were collected through direct on-site observation and application of semi-structured interviews with the environmental manager of the organization was held. The research provides understand the reality of the process of managing electronic waste: computers and their peripherals. First we tried to identify which types of electronic waste and the disposal was subsequently analyzed. As a result of research it was found that the organization has a large number of obsolete equipment and is concerned about the proper disposal and, because of this, has a management system. Through the Environmental Management Plan was possible to make the proper disposal of electronic waste, and in 2014 the remains were sent to the Company Químea and this year were directed to deposit the City Hall, where it will be responsible for giving adequate final destination waste.Downloads
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