Atividade experimental, Bioma Cerrado, Pibid, Formação de Professores, Ciências Naturais.Abstract
Seeking to enhance the experimental activity as a key teaching strategy in the teaching-learning process of Sciences conducted an experimental activity aimed at students of the seventh grade of elementary school teachers organized by the “Programa Institucional de Bolsa de Iniciação à Docência” (Pibid) together with the scholarship students and Supervisors Teachers Education Department of the Federal District . This activity began with a field trip to observe the local biome ( Cerrado). Then the students were carried to the laboratory and divided into groups to handle vertebrates and invertebrates typical of the Cerrado. After handling the specimens of animals, students presented a groups to the class, summarizing the characteristics addressed (feeding, respiration and reproduction). The activity gave students the experience of studying about the classes of animals that truly make up the fauna present in their daily lives and see themselves as participants in this complex and important means individuals , and contribute to a vision of the Cerrado biome more compatible . Activities as described here favors both student learning for the initial and continuing teacher education.Downloads
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