
  • Lucas Krein Rademann Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
  • Romario Trentin
  • Luis Eduardo de Souza Robaina



Formas de relevo, Oeste do Rio Grande do Sul, Morfometria


The landscape is shaped by various natural and anthropogenic processes. These processes affect the development of various forms of relief. The characteristics of these forms provide limitations and skills for the use of the land. Thus, this study aims to analyze the forms of relief, of Cacequi, municipality of western state of Rio Grande do Sul region. In developing the hydrographic maps, slope, hypsometry and landforms was used GIS ArcGIS 10.1. Its hydrography was analyzed and prioritized according to Strahler (1952). 5 classes were used for the preparation of topographic map of Cacequi according to the average altitude of the municipality's land. Even for the analysis of the slope were used 4-defined classes IPT smaller than 2%, from 2 to 5%, 5 to 15% and more than 15%. The landforms were divided into hills, rolling hills, buttles and floodplains. Cacequi has low altitude and small altimetry variation therefore also lower slopes, featuring homogeneous relief represented by values ​​close to average length of the strands in their sub-basins with the predominance of hills and plains. The study of relief, shown to be important in the geomorphological analysis and regional planning.


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Author Biography

Lucas Krein Rademann, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Departamento de Geociências (UFSM); Curso de Geografia, bacharelado.


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How to Cite

Rademann, L. K., Trentin, R., & Robaina, L. E. de S. (2016). ANALYSIS OF RELIEF FORMS OF THE CACEQUI MUNICIPALITY – RS. Ciência E Natura, 38(1), 179–188.




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