Modelo de Markov, cobertura vegetal, cana-de-açúcar, geoprocessamento.Abstract
The geoprocessing techniques have been increasingly recurrent in understanding the effects caused by human activities on the environment. This study aimed to apply a mapping methodology to building a probabilistic prediction model, that could be able to demonstrate through the future scenarios, changes in land use and vegetation cover, using the model of Markov Chains, enabling the analysis of the impact caused by the spatial-temporal transition level and between the land uses and the sugar cane plantation in protected areas and their buffer zones. For this, was used the Markov model for the construction of a future probabilistic prediction, to a 20 years scenario, due to the advancement of sugarcane activity in the region. Thus, we found that pastures and agriculture, especially the sugar cane activity, act incisively on the contribution of changes and advances on classes of forests and riparian forests, with probabilities over than 30% of their areas being replaced by these human activities in both the Buffer Zone, as well inside the reserve.
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