, urbanização no Litoral Norte do Rio Grande do Sul, problemas ambientais, uso e ocupação do solo, indicadores socioeconômicos.Abstract
Urbanization has expanded the use of natural resources along the North Coast of RS, undermining its environmental quality but, on the other hand, enabling the economic and socio-cultural diversity of the region that has contributed to its development. In this sense, this research seeks to understand the urban environmental problems of the North Coast municipalities in order to contribute to guidelines for regional development within a sustainability framework. This requires: (a) analyzing the main environmental impacts of urban growth in coastal regions at different spatial scales; b) characterizing the North Coast region of Rio Grande do Sul, considering its natural characteristics, historical, demographic, and socioeconomic features and; c) identifying the environmental changes in the region. The investigation searched for analytical techniques and qualitative and quantitative data both primary and secondary. The region of the North Coast has experienced in recent years significant changes in its socio-spatial dynamics determined mainly by subdividing existing municipalities into several, urbanization and seasonal tourism. However, these changes have caused a lot of problems for an environment characterized by diverse ecosystems and high susceptibility to erosion and degradation.Downloads
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