A Brief Review on the Importance use of Solar Energy in the Treatment of Recalcitrant Effluents Applying Advanced Oxidation Processes


  • Marluce Teixeira Andrade Queiroz UNILESTE
  • Millor Godoy Sabara UEMG
  • Lucas Barbosa Alvim UNILESTE
  • Carolina Andrade Queiroz UNILESTE
  • Monica Maria Diniz Leão UFMG
  • Camila Costa Amorim UFMG




Recalcitrant Compounds, Advanced Oxidation Processes, Decontamination, Tropical natural UV irradiance.


Several studies have reported the adverse effects of persistent compounds in the wastewater, showing the fragility of the biologic treatment. Harmful effects for both aquatic biota and human being are caused by those compounds. In order to minimize the adverse environmental impacts, Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs) are used in the degradation of those pollutants to achieve high removal rates. In the present the comparisons between the efficiency of AOPs using natural and artificial Ultra Violet light (UV) were made based on the literature review, addressing constructive and operational characteristics of the reactors. The findings indicated that the high levels of solar energy, which are registered in different regions of Brazil, show the viability of the AOP using natural radiation to the decontamination of industrial effluents. Thus the inclusion of advanced oxidation in the treatment of wastewater could be considered as a significant contribution to the supported development in Brazil.


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Author Biographies

Marluce Teixeira Andrade Queiroz, UNILESTE

Millor Godoy Sabara, UEMG

Lucas Barbosa Alvim, UNILESTE

Carolina Andrade Queiroz, UNILESTE

Monica Maria Diniz Leão, UFMG

Camila Costa Amorim, UFMG


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How to Cite

Queiroz, M. T. A., Sabara, M. G., Alvim, L. B., Queiroz, C. A., Leão, M. M. D., & Amorim, C. C. (2015). A Brief Review on the Importance use of Solar Energy in the Treatment of Recalcitrant Effluents Applying Advanced Oxidation Processes. Ciência E Natura, 37(3), 703–724. https://doi.org/10.5902/2179460X18395




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