aves, impactos, estuário, Sul do BrasilAbstract
Numerous methods are used to calculate indices of biotic integrity (IBI) in different regions of the world. This study used data from past works carried out at "Saco da Fazenda" (Itajaí / SC) for the years 1996-2007. In addition, monthly samples of birds were held between May 2012 andApril 2013. The value obtained for the IBI matches to 27 attributes, in four degrees of degradation (Good, Regular, Poor, Very Poor). IBI was calculated for all periods to determine their variations over time. The values of IBI ranged between poor and regular throughout the sample period. In the first two years, the results ranged from poor in 1996 (2.60) to regular in 1997 (2.93) returning to the initial condition in 1998 (2.47) and 1999 (2.60). In 2000 (2.93), from 2001 to 2003 (3.00) and 2004 (3.07) IBI showed a considerable increase, indicating a regular condition of biotic integrity of the environment. But in 2005 the index was 2.87, returning to the poor category, which remained in the year 2006-2007 with a value of 2.53. Four years after the last sampling, the area remained in the poor category in the year 2012-2013 with an IBI of 2.87. The IBI is an indicator of degradation or recovery of environments over time, but caution is needed in their use, that should always be made in conjunction with other environmental indicators.Downloads
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