Atividades experimentais, Mapas conceituais, aprendizagem significativa.Abstract
The searching for better results in the teaching and learning process in the chemistry subject justifies the teacher's necessity to use different pedagogical strategies. This job is about an experience with students from the Computer Science Technical High School second grade, from the Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Farroupilha - Campus Alegrete, using the chemistry lab as a space of investigation. The experiments were accomplished to talk about solubility and solution concentration. The applied conceptual maps in the pre and post-activity had as a purpose to verify the students’ knowledge about the studied subject, comparing them during the activities. The methodology allowed to notice the formal teaching interference when the purpose is to mediate the discoveries, when the experimentation can turn the learning more meaningful. From the applied methodologies, it was possible to find a potential growth in the concepts related to the solutions, verifying that the methodology propitiated a meaningful learning.
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