Geração, Coleta, Entulhos, Degradação, AmbientesAbstract
The expansion of the construction sector in the city of Montes Claros (MG) has been causing a significant increase in the generation of solid waste, which are often deposited in irregular locations. But actions have been taken to reverse these environmental impacts, including the enactment of local laws that establish guidelines, criteria, procedures for the management of waste from construction and demolition and determine responsibilities between the generators, carriers and municipal agencies. This study aimed to estimate the generation and map the main irregular disposal sites of waste from construction and demolition in Montes Claros. Therefore, the survey was conducted in two stages, first visited to state and local public agencies and agents involved in generating and collecting debris in Montes Claros, and thus sought to information needed to estimate the generation of the waste from construction and demolition. Already, the mapping of the waste from construction and demolition disposal sites was through on-site photographic surveys in regional centers determined by the Municipality of the city. Through research it was possible to understand the agent involved in the generation, treatment and disposal of solid waste related to construction in the city of Montes Claros. That it was detected irregular provisions in dissimilar parts of the city. Apparel promoting the degradation of the various environments involved directly and indirectly to these materials; and that the deployment of relation to waste management programs for construction is the guiding factor for the reduction in the volume of these materials in the city.
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