Economia Ambiental, Valoração Ambiental, Santuário do Caraça, Serviços Ecossistêmicos.Abstract
This paper aims to estimate the economic value of the Caraça Sanctuary in Minas Gerais/Brazil, through the Travel Cost Method, which has as scope to capture the recreational value of a natural asset, thus contributing to the understanding of the actual economic value of a natural site. This method analyzes the spending by visitors, meeting consumer surplus, to earn its economic value. The use of economic valuation methods had become a tool of fundamental importance for the preservation/conservation of goods and services generated by ecosystems. A sample field survey was made through data collection performed by means of specific questionnaires that lead to the total economic value, referring to recreational value, which is around R$ 137,434,781.00/year and has an individual budget constraint of R$ 2,243.65. This value confirms the Caraça Sanctuary economic importance to the region and the need for its preservation.Downloads
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