Barramentos, Bacias Hidrográficas, Paraná, Impactos ambientais.Abstract
Brazil and Paraná have a high potential for electric energy generation, due to its geomorphological characteristics with high unevenness, which contributes to the hydroelectric projects facilities. In this context, this study aimed to diagnose the number of SHPs built and future facilities expected for the state of Paraná, and also the spatial distribution, power generated and areas to be flooded. Brazil is holder of 460 SHPs in operation and 1696 in the licensing process, including the state of Paraná, which has 32 SHPs and 224 SHPs in licensing process. The hydrographic basin of the Iguaçu River and the Ivaí were the ones that had the largest number of built SHPs, as well, they have the greatest amount of generated power. With regard to the future facilities, the largest number of SHPs is projected to the hydrographic basin of Iguaçu River, followed by the Piquiri River basin. Although the hydrographic basin of Iguaçu and Ivaí have the same amount of built SHPs, the basin of Iguaçu has a larger area of the reservoir and higher generated power. Given the above, the view for this scenario seeks to heed the authorities, scientists and environmental advocates about the risks and expected results.
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