A pesquisa experimental sobre comunicação de utilidade pública: uma revisão sistemática
Metodologia experimental, Comunicação pública, Comunicação em Saúde, Revisão sistemáticaAbstract
O artigo analisa as principais características de estudos experimentais sobre comunicação de utilidade pública divulgados em 2016 por periódicos classificados no estrato A1 do Qualis/Capes nas áreas de comunicação, ciência política, psicologia e saúde coletiva. Dentre os 38 estudos selecionados, foi mais comum a análise dos efeitos de textos sobre intenções de comportamento.Downloads
ANDREWS, J., NETEMEYER, R., BURTON, S., KEES, J. Effects of plain package branding and graphic health warnings on adolescent smokers in the USA, Spain and France. Tobacco Control, London, v. 25, n. e2, p. e120-e126, 2016.
BANERJEE, A.V.; DUFLO, E. (Eds) Handbook of Economic Field Experiments. Vol 1. Oxford: North-Holland, 2017.
BREWER, N., HALL, M., LEE, J., PEEBLES, K., NOAR, S., RIBISL, K. Testing warning messages on smokers’ cigarette packages: a standardised protocol. Tobacco Control, London, v. 25, n. 2, p. 153-159, 2016.
CATHCART, R. L., GLENDON, A. I. Judged effectiveness of threat and coping appraisal anti-speeding messages. Accident Analysis & Prevention, Amsterdam, v. 96, p. 237-248, 2016.
CHANG, C. Behavioral Recommendations in Health Research News as Cues to Action: Self-Relevancy and Self-Efficacy Processes. Journal of Health Communication: International Perspective, Nova York, v. 21, n. 8, p. 954-968, 2016.
CHEN, M., BELL, R. A., TAYLOR, L. D. Narrator Point of View and Persuasion in Health Narratives: The Role of Protagonist–Reader Similarity, Identification, and Self-Referencing. Journal of Health Communication: International Perspective, Nova York, v. 21, n. 8, p. 908-918, 2016.
DRUCKMAN, J; LEEPER, T. Learning more from political communication experiments: pretreatment and its effects. America Political Science Review, Cambridge, v. 56, n. 4, p. 875-896, 2012.
DRUCKMAN, J.; PETERSON, E.; SLOTHUUS, R. How Elite Partisans Polarization Affects Public Opinion Formation., America Political Science Review, Cambridge, v. 107, n. 1, p. 57-79, 2013.
GENDALL, P., ECKERT, C., HOEK, J., FARLEY, T., LOUVIERE, J., WILSON, N., EDWARDS, R. Estimating the ‘consumer surplus’ for branded versus standardised tobacco packaging. Tobacco Control, London, v. 25, n. 6, p. 641-647, 2016.
GERBER, A.S.; GREEN, D.P. Field Experiments: Design, Analysis, and Interpretation. Nova York: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 2012
GILLIG, T. K., MURPHY, S. T. Fostering Support for LGBTQ Youth? The Effects of a Gay Adolescent Media Portrayal on Young Viewers. International Journal of Communication, Los Angeles, v. 10, p. 3828-3850, 2016.
GRABE, M.E.; WESTLEY, B.H. “The Controlled Experiment,” in Mass Communication Research and Theory. Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 2003, p. 267–298.
GREITEMEYER, T.; OSSWALD, S. Effects of Prosocial Video Games on Prosocial Behavior. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Washington, v. 98, n. 2, p. 211-221, 2010.
HOEK, J., GENDALL, P., ECKERT, C., KEMPER, J., LOUVIERE, J. Effects of brand variants on smokers’ choice behaviours and risk perceptions. Tobacco Control, London, v. 25, n. 2, p. 160-165, 2016.
KIM, H. K., SHAPIRO, M. A. When Bad Things Happen to a Protagonist Like You: The Role of Self in Resistance to Negatively Framed Health Narratives. Journal of Health Communication: International Perspective. Nova York, v. 21, n. 12, p. 1227-1235, 2016.
KING, A. J. Visual Exemplification and Skin Cancer: The Utility of Exemplars in Promoting Skin Self-Exams and Atypical Nevi Identification. Journal of Health Communication: International Perspective, Nova York, v. 21, n. 7, p. 826-836, 2016.
KNOBLOCH-WESTERWICK, S., WILLIS, L. E., KENNARD, A. R. Media Impacts on Women’s Fertility Desires: A Prolonged Exposure Experiment. Journal of Health Communication, Oxfordshire, v. 21, n. 6, p. 647-657, 2016.
KOOT, C., MORS, E. TER, ELLEMERS, N., DAAMEN, D. D. L. Facilitation of attitude formation through communication: how perceived source expertise enhances the ability to achieve cognitive closure about complex environmental topics. Journal of Applied Psychology, Washington, v. 46, n. 11, p. 627-640, 2016.
LAZARD, A., BAMGBADE, B., SONTAG, J., BROWN, C., Using Visual Metaphors in Health Messages: A Strategy to Increase Effectiveness for Mental Illness Communication. Journal of Health Communication: International Perspective, Nova York, v. 21, n. 12, p. 1260-1268, 2016.
LEE, H., PARK, SA. Third-Person Effect and Pandemic Flu: The Role of Severity, Self-Efficacy Method Mentions, and Message Source. Journal of Health Communication: International Perspective, Nova York, v. 21, n. 12, p. 1244-1250, 2016.
MABRY, A., TURNER, M. M. Do Sexual Assault Bystander Interventions Change Men’s Intentions? Applying the Theory of Normative Social Behavior to Predicting Bystander Outcomes. Journal of Health Communication: International Perspective, Nova York, v. 21, n. 3, p. 276-292, 2016.
MCCORMICK, M., SETA, J. J. Lateralized goal framing: How health messages are influenced by valence and contextual/analytic processing. Psychology & Health, Oxfordshire, v. 31, n. 5, 535-548, 2016.
MCDERMOTT, Rose. Experimental methods in political science. Ithaca: Annual Review of Political Science, Palo Alto, v. 5, p. 31-61, 2002.
MUNDIM, P., VIDIGAL, R., MICHELOTTI, F., PINTO, A. (2019). Bolsa Família, informação e preconceito: uma análise com o uso de experimentos. Revista do Serviço Público, Brasília, v. 70, n. 4, p. 551-575, 2019.
MUTTI, S., REID, J., GUPTA, P., PEDNEKAR, M., DHUMAL, G.,NARGIS, N., HUSSAIN, A., HAMMOND, D. Perceived effectiveness of text and pictorial health warnings for smokeless tobacco packages in Navi Mumbai, India, and Dhaka, Bangladesh: findings from an experimental study. Tobacco Control, London, v. 25, n. 4, p. 437-443, 2016.
NONNEMAKER, J., KIM, A., SHAFER, P., LOOMIS, B., HILL, E., HOLLOWAY, J., FARRELLY, M. Influence of point-of-sale tobacco displays and plain black and white cigarette packaging and advertisements on adults: Evidence from a virtual store experimental study. Addictive Behaviors, Amsterdam, v. 56, p. 15-22, 2016.
OCCA, A., SUGGS, S. Communicating Breast Cancer Screening With Young Women: An Experimental Test of Didactic and Narrative Messages Using Video and Infographics. Journal of Health Communication: International Perspectives, Nova York, v. 21, n. 1, p. 1-11, 2016.
PFATTHEICHER, S., SASSENRATH, C., SCHINDLER, S. Feelings for the Suffering of Others and the Environment: Compassion Fosters Proenvironmental Tendencies. Environment and Behavior, Thousand Oaks, v. 48, n. 7, p. 929-945, 2016.
POPOVA, L., LINDE, B., BURSAC, Z., TALCOTT, G., MODAYIL, M., LITTLE, M., LING, P., GLANTZ, S., KLESGES, R. Testing antismoking messages for Air Force trainees. Tobacco Control, London, v. 25, n. 6, p. 656-663, 2016.
RICE, Ronald. E.; ATKIN, Charles K. Public Communication Campaigns. Michigan University: Sage Publications, 2001.
ROSENBERG, B. D., JASON, T. S. The Effect of Inconsistency Appeals on the Influence of Direct-to-Consumer Prescription Drug Advertisements: An Application of Goal Disruption Theory. Journal of Health Communication, Oxfordshire, v. 21, n. 2, p. 217-227, 2016.
SAPIAINS, R., BEETON, R. J. S., WALKER, I. A. Individual responses to climate change: Framing effects on pro-environmental behaviors. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, Nova Jersey, v. 46, n. 8, p. 483-493, 2016.
SCHULTZ, P., MESSINA, A., TRONU, G., LIMAS, E., GUPTA, R., ESTRADA, M. Personalized Normative Feedback and the Moderating Role of Personal Norms: A Field Experiment to Reduce Residential Water Consumption. Environment and Behavior, Thousand Oaks, v. 48, n. 5, p. 686-710, 2016.
SUN, Y., KRAKOW, M., JOHN, K. K., LIU, M., WEAVER, J. Framing Obesity: How News Frames Shape Attributions and Behavioral Responses. Journal of Health Communication: International Perspectives, Nova York, v. 21, n. 2, p. 139-147, 2016.
TEELE, D.L. Field Experiments and Their Critics: Essays on the Uses and Abuses of Experimentation in the Social Sciences. New Haven & London: Yale University Press; 2014.
TURGEON, M.; CHAVES, B.S.; WIVES, W.W. Políticas de ação afirmativa e o experimento de listas: o caso das cotas raciais na universidade brasileira. Opinião Pública, Campinas, v. 20, n. 3, p. 363-376, 2014.
VASILJEVIC, M., PETRESCU, D. C., MARTEAU, T. M. Impact of advertisements promoting candy-like flavoured e-cigarettes on appeal of tobacco smoking among children: an experimental study. Tobacco Control. London, v. 25, n. E2, p. e107-e112, 2016.
ZHAO X, ALEXANDER TN, HOFFMAN L, JONES C, DELAHANTY J, WALKER M, BERGER AT, TALBERT E. Youth Receptivity to FDA’s The Real Cost Tobacco Prevention Campaign: Evidence From Message Pretesting. Journal of Health Communication: International Perspectives, Nova York, v. 21, n. 11, p. 1153-1160, 2016.
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