A intertextualidade na televisão: entre representação e apresentação do real


  • Marie-France Chambat-Houillon




Intertextualidad, Representación, Presentación


The paper presents a reflection inspired on the will to understand how intertextuality constitutes or even breaks with the purposes of televisuality, when this deals with the world. Intertextuality is a very vast field, and I will initially ask myself about its limits. In order to grasp the complexity of its functioning on television I will privilege one of its exemplary figures, citations, leaving aside allusions, references and plagiarism. Hence, analysis of a citation will provide information as to how television binds relations on the one hand with reality and on the other with fiction.


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Author Biography

Marie-France Chambat-Houillon

Professor and researcher at the University of Paris 3; PhD in Communication (University of Paris 3); researcher at the Centre d'Études sur l'Image et le Son Médiatiques (CEISME).


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How to Cite

Chambat-Houillon, M.-F. (2024). A intertextualidade na televisão: entre representação e apresentação do real. Animus.Inter-American Journal of Media Communication, 7(13). https://doi.org/10.5902/2175497790467



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