O método goethiano e o Jornalismo Literário: uma proposta metodológica para a construção de narrativas
Methodology, Gothean phenomenological method, Literary JornalismAbstract
After two hundred years, the scientific community is rediscovering Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's scientific research, since the author is better known for his literary work such as Fausto. The Goethean phenomenological method is a qualitative scientific proposal which allows a deeper approach to the phenomena, a desirable way to fulfill Journalism research and practice, as it happens in Literary Journalism. The aim of this paper is to analyze three of its main subjects. The first one is the relationship between object-observer, since according to this method both are an integrated part of the phenomena. The second is the contemplative ability, meaning of the phenomena observation through long periods of time, from which emerges its third element, the understanding of whole reality because this strategy is aware of the intrinsic transformation of the scientific process.
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