Mídia e sociedade: o contrato social como condicionante da segmentação das revistas em gêneros feminino e masculino





Social contract, Mediatic discourse, Gender segmentation


This article has as main objective to reflect about the social contract as conditioning for the mediatic discourse. The working hypothesis consists of the idea there is a social contract that puts under condition the values to be broadcasted by media, as well as how they should be, which comes before any promise or communicative contract proposed by media. During the development of this hypothesis, the media segmentation magazine is rebuilt in gender feminine and masculine, searching for its relationship with the values of the society they are inserted in.


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Author Biography

Caroline Casali, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Journalist from UFSM, Master in Media Processes from UNISINOS, professor of the Social Communication Course - Journalism at CESNORS at the Federal University of Santa María, Frederico Wetphalen campus.


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How to Cite

Casali, C. (2024). Mídia e sociedade: o contrato social como condicionante da segmentação das revistas em gêneros feminino e masculino. Animus.Inter-American Journal of Media Communication, 6(11). https://doi.org/10.5902/2175497790433



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