Feminicidio y prensa: análisis de noticias en los medios en línea en Campinas Brasil
Violence against women, Gender-based violence, Mass mediaAbstract
Lethal violence against women has increasingly gained the attention of digital communication. Through a descriptive documentary study, we analyze the proportion of homicide cases in the city of Campinas during the period 2000-2019 and carry out a content analysis of feminicide cases. Data from the Information Mortality System were used, and searches of the news about deaths in the online media. During the 20 years of study, 560 female homicides were recorded, of which 20.2% were reported. The use of the term femicide, Law 13,104/2015, as well as the dissemination of ways for reporting and support for women in situations of domestic violence were precarious in the news. In the text we discuss the findings in the light of collective health and communication.
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