Cinema and speculative literature: an analysis of Terminal Praia Grande
Brazilian cinema, Speculative fiction, LiteratureAbstract
This study aims to discuss aspects of speculative literature and the so-called Novíssimo Cinema Brasileiro in the recent production of Brazilian filmmakers. It intends to rethink the relationship between literature and national film production and how recent works have represented speculative fiction, especially the film Terminal Praia Grande (2019), by Mavi Simão, as well as authors such as Felipe Bragança, Juliana Rojas, Kleber Mendonça, and others. As theoretical support, we bring the discussions of Maria Carolina Oliveira (2016) on the Novíssimo Cinema Brasileiro, which makes it possible to trace an overview of national cinema, in addition to the theorist Felipe Basílio (2017), with his contributions on genre cinema in contemporary Brazil. We also build on the literary scholarship of Alexander Meireles (2019) and other theorists who discuss the subject
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