Bodily dichotomies: performing repression and freedom in brazilian feminist hip hop



Palabras clave:

Hip Hop, Feminism, Bodily Repression


This paper highlights the growing feminist hip hop movement in Brazil. While women have always been present in hip hop culture, this article analyzes two contemporary “texts” that illustrate the ways that current artists are using break-dance to combat gender oppression. The July, 2009 Hip Hop Mulher Forum held in São Paulo, Brazil and the 2006 Tata Amaral film Antônia provide examples of how contemporary female artists struggle to reconcile the ways that they have been socialized to perform their gender with the freedom that hip hop culture facilitates. This paper presents the “mis-performance” of gender and the possibilities for disciplined artists to improvise within a highly disciplined cultural context and artistic culture.


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Biografía del autor/a

Naomi P. Wood, University of Minnesota

Ph.D Candidate in Hispanic and Lusophone Literatures, Cultures, and Linguistics at the University of Minnesota, USA.


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Cómo citar

Wood, N. P. (2009). Bodily dichotomies: performing repression and freedom in brazilian feminist hip hop. Literatura E Autoritarismo, (2), e8.