Soledad no Recife

Capítulo 10



Dictatorship, Repression, Literature, Memory


The book Soledad no Recife goes through testimonies and confessions in its
revival of the time spent by the Paraguayan militant, Soledad Barret in Recife in 1973,
and the betrayal that led to her torture and murder at the hands of the military
Denounced by her fellow comrade and lover, Daniel, afterwards known as Corporal
Anselmo, Soledade dies with a group of aspiring guerrillas, in the Pernambuco capital,
at the hands of Commissioner Sérgio Paranhos Fleury‟s squad. The episode became
known as “The São Bento Farm Massacre”, and is seen more as an act of
extermination rather than an armed confrontation.
The whole intregue is the inspiration behind the novel, in which Urariano Mota – with
the credentials of someone who lived through and survived the years after 1964 – picks
up the threads of the betrayal woven against Soledad and against the country at that
time, with the reflexive attitude of those who go back in time. The life and death of
Soledad are a strong contradiction to the “official history” propagated by the media of
the time, as well as being a testimony to State violence.                                                                                                                        


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Author Biography

Urariano Mota, Escritor

Escritor e jornalista, publicou contos em Movimento, Opinião, Escrita, Ficção e outros periódicos de oposição à ditadura. É colunista do Vermelho. As revistas Carta Capital, Fórum e Continente também já veicularam seus textos. Autor de Soledad no Recife (Boitempo, 2009) sobre a passagem da militante paraguaia Soledad Barret pelo Recife, em 1973.


MOTA, Urariano. Soledad em Recife. São Paulo, Boitempo, 2009.



How to Cite

Mota, U. (2023). Soledad no Recife: Capítulo 10. Literatura E Autoritarismo, (3). Retrieved from