Negra Sou: the reportage book and its role in resistance and representation




Literature, Journalism, Book-report, Representativeness, Black


The current Brazilian literary production on blacks has been conquering its space of representation, which it has deserved for years. In this context, book-report productions with black themes and authorship are gaining prominence and play an important role in anti-racist education and combating structural racism. This article seeks to highlight the role of these productions in resistance, representation and also in the memory of social actors and black culture, based on the study of the book-report Negra Sou: a ascensão da mulher negra no mercado de trabalho, by the journalist Jaqueline Fraga. To achieve the proposal, the use of journalistic and literary elements will be analyzed, which make the report book a vehicle of communication that contributes to resistance and representation.


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Author Biography

Adriana Seibert de Oliveira, Federal University of Santa Maria

PhD student and master in Literature at the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM)


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2024-11-29 — Updated on 2024-12-01


How to Cite

Oliveira, A. S. de. (2024). Negra Sou: the reportage book and its role in resistance and representation. Literatura E Autoritarismo, (43), e86155. (Original work published November 29, 2024)