Absence of presence, presence of absence: traces that cannot be erased


  • Beatriz Fam Colégio Pitágoras Cidade Jardim, PITÁGORAS CJ




Photography, Trace, Memory, Forgetting


By asking "what are the images worthy of being remembered?", Wim Wenders, German film director, has already demonstrated its concern at the fact that in the modern world, we lose our ability to see the invisible. Based on an analysis of the photographs that make up the exhibition Ausências, by Gustavo Germano, this paper intends to work with what you do not see, that is not there, but left some trace of their presence.


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Author Biography

Beatriz Fam, Colégio Pitágoras Cidade Jardim, PITÁGORAS CJ

Mestranda em Teoria da Literatura na UFMG


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How to Cite

Fam, B. (2012). Absence of presence, presence of absence: traces that cannot be erased. Literatura E Autoritarismo, (6), 38–48. https://doi.org/10.5902/1679849X83766