The politics of violence: the rural and the frontiers of capitalism in the novel Terras do semfim, by Jorge Amado


  • Robson dos Santos Instituto Federal de Goiás (IFG)



Rural, Modernization, Literature, Social limitation, Violence, Jorge Amado


This article is an interpretation of the novel by Jorge Amado Terras do sem fim. The analysis seeks to highlight the perspective of the novel about the countryside. An appeal to this interpretation was the construction of a typology of analysis called narrative limitation. This construction allowed us to develop a typological understanding of the novel structures and expressive currents of thought in the period on the rural world. The article highlights how the narrative associates the rural areas as one of the causes of violence and impossibilities of development and liberation of individuals.


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Author Biography

Robson dos Santos, Instituto Federal de Goiás (IFG)

Doutor em Sociologia pela Unicamp.


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How to Cite

Santos, R. dos. (2012). The politics of violence: the rural and the frontiers of capitalism in the novel Terras do semfim, by Jorge Amado. Literatura E Autoritarismo, (7), 166–182.