Behind the scenes of the first Brazilian congress of writers: Mário de Andrade's contributions in defining a “code of ethics” for Brazilian intellectuals in the 1940s
Writers, Brazilian Intellectuals, Writer's CongressAbstract
In January 1945, just over two hundred Brazilian writers were gathered in the city of São Paulo in order to discuss issues related to their profession, and promote a joint action of men of letters of the country against the repression practiced by the regime of Getúlio Vargas. For that, it was formulated a speech in favor of the unity of writers, in which it was clear that the action against the dictatorship and the defense of values such as freedom and democracy were essentials for the full realization of the social function as intellectuals. In this sense, it’s possible to say that one of the main contributions to the composition of this kind of "code of ethics" of the Brazilian intelligentsia was the reflections of Mário de Andrade who, in his later years, began to advocate a greater proximity between the activity of thought and literature with the problematic issues of society in order to defend it against any attempt to rise of totalitarian and oppressors governments
ANAIS do Primeiro Congresso Brasileiro de Escritores de 1945.
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