Cacau, by Jorge Amado: poetics, ideology and myth in the region




Regionalism, Ideology, Verisimilitude, Poetic of orality, Jorge Amado


Among Jorge Amado’s works, it might be said that his second novel, Cacau, has received little attention from the critics, what seems to be related to the impact caused by its opening note, drawing to itself part of the investigations. In this paper, although considering the mentioned note, we intend to examine author’s poetics for the orality, as well as the effects of the tense relationship between ideology and aesthetical achievements regarding the scenes’ construction. In the end, we analyze the way the fruit which entitles the book unfolds into a metaphor of human reification.


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Author Biography

André Tessaro Pelinser, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

Doutorado na UFMG. Mestre em Letras, Cultura e Regionalidade, pela Universidade de Caxias do Sul. Bolsista CNPq.


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How to Cite

Pelinser, A. T. (2012). Cacau, by Jorge Amado: poetics, ideology and myth in the region. Literatura E Autoritarismo, (6), 20–37.