A relação através de cartas entre Werther e Wilhelm





Epistolary novel, Autobiography, Goethe


The present work comes from an interest on narratives from the self directed towards other person in “Os Sofrimentos do Jovem Werther”. It is evidenced a relationship between narrator and receiver, such relations will be worked along this article. The base approach is the thematic “the other within the self” represented in this novel. This choice comes from an investigation about the necessity of an interlocutor in writings about the self. On this matter, are established characteristics of epistolary genre as a writing product, and the importance of letters on that time: as a way of communication and as a strategy to close people. Dealing with writings about the self through epistolary method, the autobiographic genre comes up. It consists in a narrator who tells his story, living it again and seeing himself on the imaginary. Writing comes as a way to write about himself as well to express his needs of a reference from the other. Writing about the self is a way to see himself outside from an inner perspective, although the inside and the outside come from the same point. For this way the aim of this work is to investigate how the permanent influence from the other works on Werther’s character, such as on writings by himself and on the construction of the self. Werther’s letters are an inner way of expression that needs a confirmation from the other. These influences from the other are present on several contexts.


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Author Biography

Roberson Rosa dos Santos, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS

Mestrando em Letras na UFSM.


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How to Cite

dos Santos, R. R. (2023). A relação através de cartas entre Werther e Wilhelm. Literatura E Autoritarismo, (4). https://doi.org/10.5902/1679849X74931