O discurso pós-traumático no conto “Lembrança das lições”, de Luis Silva





Black, Prejudice, Violence, Trauma


The black society, along its history, has experienced several violent episodes. Traumas resulting from these events have not been healed yet, and different generations tend to reproduce this pain in order to understand and to give a sense to it. This paper undertakes an approach to the post-traumatic discourse that underpins African identity issues in the short story “Lembrança das lições” drawn from Luis Silva’s Negros em contos (1992). In this sense, we seek to develop the idea that racial prejudice and discrimination help to keep alive the trauma originated in violent events in the history of slavery in Brazil.


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Author Biography

Lizandro Carlos Calegari, Universidade Regional Integrada do Alto Uruguai e das Missões, Frederico Westphalen, RS

 Pós-doutorando em Letras (UFSM). Professor da Graduação e do Mestrado em Letras na Universidade Regional Integrada – Frederico Westphalen (RS).


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How to Cite

Calegari, L. C. . (2023). O discurso pós-traumático no conto “Lembrança das lições”, de Luis Silva. Literatura E Autoritarismo, (4). https://doi.org/10.5902/1679849X74759