Nazismo e homossexualidade: o testemunho de um dos esquecidos da história
Nazism, Homossexuality, Silence, FrançaAbstract
The Nazi genocide was one of the major disasters that marked the 20th century. The homosexuals were one of the groups that were persecuted and murdered. After the war, due to laws that were still in force against them, those who survived were unable to provide their testimony and tell what had passed in that period. This was only possible some decades later, when such laws no longer exist and homosexuals had more visibility, and therefore it was possible to speak. An important testimony of this group is the autobiography of a French survivor, Moi, Pierre Seel, déporté homosexuel ("I, Pierre Seel, deported homosexual", without translation into Portuguese). In his work, we can observe some points of this kind of testimonial narrative, for example, the issues of the denunciation and of the violence. However, the homosexuality brings some differences. One is the temporal distance between the event and the writing. Many years had passed after the end of the regime, so his narrative not only makes a complaint to the Nazi system, but also to the postwar period. In his book, he recounts the difficulty that homosexuals had passed over the years and also the difficulty about recognizing this group as a victim of Hitler's regime.
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