Leitura do poema “Janela do caos” como manifestacão escrita da violência





Violence, Religion, Poetry, Murilo Mendes, War


Propose an interpretation of the poem "Janela do caos" from key concepts like religion, language, the antagonistic role of poetry in a specific time, the dissolution of the idealism and the problem of a subject in constant tension with the oppressive categories of the dominant thinking. The poem "Janela do caos" is considered by critics as enigmatic and at the same time one of the most fascinating and representative of the works of Murilo Mendes. Starting from the observation that the only possible means of unification and organization of the poem is language, we attempt to demonstrate that the vision of chaos summarizes a perspective of reality marked by violence and lack of order, and that this vision goes beyond the framework of local reality to reach a value of universality. The book Poesia Liberdade allows us to reflect about the act of creating poetry in the sense that the poetic voice is not the sole bearer of truth. This experience of illegitimacy is reflected in the type of approach used by Murilo Mendes. Thus, his experience is to focus on a world in chaos, which in turn is part of a broader process that keeps the aspiration for a total unity aiming to understand the poetic act as a conscious reaction and unconscious to the moments of crisis in history, to indicate the gestation of a process of transformation of the paradigms that govern the world at any given time.


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Author Biography

Juan Fernando Gutierrez Rodriguez, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP

Doutorando em Literatura Brasileira na Universidade de São Paulo.


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How to Cite

Rodriguez, J. F. G. . (2023). Leitura do poema “Janela do caos” como manifestacão escrita da violência. Literatura E Autoritarismo, (3). https://doi.org/10.5902/1679849X74691