The language of human rights in São Bernardo




Language, Human Rights, Intellectuals


This paper is based on the issue of São Bernardo’s narrator and its constitutive negativity, which noticeably questions the place of the intellectual in Brazilian society, palpable in the relationship between Madalena (the intellectual) and Paulo Honório (the illiterate). Therefore its chief purpose is to clarify the connection between the place of the subject of enunciation and its intention of illustrating the damaging inability of intellectuals to act upon and / or transform precariousness, injustice and human rights violations, due to inadequate linguistic interaction.


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Author Biography

Isabel de Sousa Ramos, University of Minnesota

Mestranda em Lusophone Cultures and Literatures: Department of Spanish and Portuguese Studies - University of Minnesota


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How to Cite

Ramos, I. de S. (2009). The language of human rights in São Bernardo. Literatura E Autoritarismo, (2), e2.