In between the tragic: Perlongher and the “corpses” of the nation




Néstor Perlongher, Exile, Extraterritoriality


Focusing on the works of Néstor Perlongher (1942-1992, exiled in Brazil since 1982) the article studies the writing of this Argentinean poet and anthropologist that “contaminated” aesthetically his apparent “language of origin” (the Spanish) with the language of the host language (the Portuguese). The article try to analyses the relations between nationality and language and the transgression of the Argentinean identitary discourse involved in the poetic writing of Perlongher.


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Author Biography

Pablo Gasparini, Universidade Estadual de Campinas

Pós-doutorado na Unicamp/Fapesp)


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How to Cite

Gasparini, P. (2008). In between the tragic: Perlongher and the “corpses” of the nation. Literatura E Autoritarismo, (1).