Writings of violence in the Self, by Augusto dos Anjos





Augusto dos Anjos, Rui Barbosa, Revolta da Chibata, Hermes da Fonseca, Violence


This paper presents the conclusion of a reading of the layer deeper than I, of Augusto dos Anjos, while studying the intertextual relationship between the discourse of this work and Rui Barbosa, Ruins of a government, pointing out that both have in common: a denunciation of the events surrounding the violence of torture and murder, committed by representatives of the Brazilian Army, as the repression inflicted damn crew insurgent amnesty and the swish of uprising, soon after the start of the government of Hermes da Fonseca, at the end of 1910 . Due to a process of concealing and silencing the truth, Augusto dos Anjos has had his image somewhat distorted, which is shown some biographers and friends of the poet, and was relegated to the background in our literature, although the author's great tragic-lyrical elegy for our civilization.


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Author Biography

Maria Olívia Garcia R. Arruda

Doutorado em Teoria e História Literária na Universidade Estadual de Campinas, UNICAMP


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How to Cite

Arruda, M. O. G. R. (2008). Writings of violence in the Self, by Augusto dos Anjos. Literatura E Autoritarismo, (1). https://doi.org/10.5902/1679849X74472