Fresa y chocolate


  • David William Foster Arizona State University



Juan Gutiérrez Alea, Fresa y chocolate, Cuba


No matter what other issues are raised with respect to Juan Gutiérrez Alea's 1993 film Fresa y chocolate, it is fundamental to hold in view a dominant question: Why do David and Diego never fuck. This matter is never directly addressed by the film, and consequently, it is never answered. Moreover, so much of the critical commentary (characteristically in reviews of the film and its relationship to the sociohistorical parameters of postrevolutionary filmmaking in Cuba) focuses on their relationship as a paradigm for "tolerance" in Cuban society toward difference, sexual difference, specifically, but individual difference in general, in the context of the struggle in Cuba to affirm institutional and personal values that do not impose as an imperative the need for the individual, the citizen, to conform to a rigid of social behavior.


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Author Biography

David William Foster, Arizona State University

Doutorado na University of Washington


GUTIÉRREZ ALEA, Juan. Fresa y chocolate. Dir. Tomás Gutiérrez Alea e Juan Carlos Tabío. Cuba / México / Espanha: ICAIC, IMCINE, TeleMadrid, 1993. 1 DVD (108 min).



2003-09-01 — Updated on 2023-11-24


How to Cite

Foster, D. W. (2023). Fresa y chocolate. Literatura E Autoritarismo, (1). (Original work published September 1, 2003)