A challenge to the masculinist gaze: human resources by Gabriela Liffschitz


  • David William Foster Arizona State University




Human resources, Masculine gaze


Gabriela Liffschitz's body as exhibited in Recursos humanos (2000) through a series of thirty self-portraits constitutes a commitment to the dynamics of the masculinist gaze and the aspect that it seeks/interprets, a commitment that advances to become a challenge to that dynamic. Liffschitz accomplishes this by displaying her own body in such a way that she reverses the look/look dynamic to the point that the woman's middle-aged body, sporting a partial mastectomy, is supposedly shocking to that dynamic.


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Author Biography

David William Foster, Arizona State University

Diretor da Faculdade de Espanhol e Português e Professor Regente de Espanhol, egresso da University of Washington


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2004-01-01 — Updated on 2004-01-01


How to Cite

Foster, D. W. (2004). A challenge to the masculinist gaze: human resources by Gabriela Liffschitz. Literatura E Autoritarismo, (3). https://doi.org/10.5902/1679849X74211