Lost time? Renato Russo's poetics in the context of the cultural industry


  • Juliana Beatriz Klein Prefeitura Municipal de Canoas




Renato Russo, Cultural Industry, Lost time


Communication, a fundamental differential of the human being, is responsible for the most diverse advances. On the other hand, language has not always been used for good. Retrospectively, it should be remembered that language constitutes a weapon, and it is in this sense that we intend to analyze it: as a weapon for denunciation. Renato Russo, composer (indefectibly linked to the Cultural Industry) can be considered a paradigm, given the fact that he denies the stereotyped aspect that most CI authors present. His work will be analyzed from the perspective of denunciation and social criticism, and this will allow us to demonstrate that the author deserves attention (even from the world of Literature).


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Author Biography

Juliana Beatriz Klein, Prefeitura Municipal de Canoas

Mestrado em Letras pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria


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How to Cite

Klein, J. B. (2004). Lost time? Renato Russo’s poetics in the context of the cultural industry. Literatura E Autoritarismo, (3). https://doi.org/10.5902/1679849X74210