Between parentheses: the place of the murmur in the fiction of Tabajara Ruas




Murmur, Fiction, Tabajara Ruas


Preceding its approach to the work of Tabajara Ruas, O Amor de Pedro por João, this article questions the reading of works related to the post-64 period and its link with a theoretical apparatus that compromises the interpretative process. The text seeks to reflect on the novel that narrates the Brazilian armed struggle against the dictatorship, experimenting between extremes through the climate of tension felt in the intermediate zones of the work. Tabajara Ruas creates a bipolar framework for the novel, in which the epic-heroic tone, on the one hand, and melancholy, on the other, provide the beacons against which the characters will move, modulating their actions and thoughts in a wide range of tonalities. and dictions.


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Author Biography

Rosana Kohl Bines, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, PUC RIO, Brasil

Doutorado em Literatura Comparada pela Universidade de Chicago e Pós-Doutorado pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro


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How to Cite

Bines, R. K. (2005). Between parentheses: the place of the murmur in the fiction of Tabajara Ruas. Literatura E Autoritarismo, (6).