Influences on the poetry of Aureliano de Figueiredo Pinto




Aureliano Figueiredo Pinto, Poetry


This work is interested in presenting the influences that Aureliano de Figueiredo Pinto suffered and what connotations the national production had in relation to the cultural reality of Rio Grande do Sul. Thus, cultural differences that are important for understanding the production conditions of the poet and writer from Rio Grande do Sul will be confronted. These cultural differences, evidenced by the greater geographic and cultural approximation with the countries of the Plate, present the influences that the poet suffered, also emphasizing that the originality of his production was not affected.


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Author Biography

João Luis Pereira Ourique, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS

Doutorando em Letras - UFSM


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How to Cite

Ourique, J. L. P. (2006). Influences on the poetry of Aureliano de Figueiredo Pinto. Literatura E Autoritarismo, (7).

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