The dialectic between division and union in A Batalha de Armínio: an allegory of German history and the national question




A Batalha de Armínio, Germany, History


This article is based around the importance of historical formation and the meaning of the national constitution, in terms of culture, tradition and symbolic heritage, for the composition of the drama A Batalha de Arminio, by the German playwright Heinrich von Kleist. The aim is thus to verify the allegorical way in which the referred instances are inserted in the aesthetic elaboration, as well as the role of the dialectic for the sense of overcoming intrinsic to the work.


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Author Biography

Márcio José Coutinho, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS

Mestrando em Letras da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria



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How to Cite

Coutinho, M. J. (2006). The dialectic between division and union in A Batalha de Armínio: an allegory of German history and the national question. Literatura E Autoritarismo, (7).