Martha's Quest
WWII, Martha's Quest , Woman in SocietyAbstract
After its independence, South Africa witnessed the gradual construction of the apparheit system, through the successive approval of laws that limited the political and economic possibilities of the black population. It is in this scenario, in which access to the ideas circulating in large centers reaches the periphery with relative immediacy, while at the same time that conservative relations of ethnicity, class and gender are increasingly established, that Doris Lessing's novel, Martha's Quest, the first in the Children of Violence series. A formative novel, Martha's Quest discusses, through the trajectory of a paradigmatic character, the directions taken by South African society in the period immediately preceding the war. In the two subsequent volumes (A Perfect Marriage and A Ripple from the Storm), the War and the post-war period are focused.
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SHOWALTER, Elaine. A literature of their own. British women novelists from Brontë to Lessing. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1977.
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