The other voice or the otherness of reason in the work of João Guimarães Rosa




João Guimarães, Reason, Madness, Esthetics, Modernism


Is it possible to speak of an essential exoticism in the work of João Guimarães Rosa or, at least, that it has peculiarities of a local humanity in the eyes of a literate city dweller? If, on the one hand, such a reading is possible and legitimate, on the other, wouldn't we be running the risk of falling into an overly simplistic reductionism? Wouldn't it be better to think that the verve of this author, the idiosyncrasy of his characters, his language and his universe hide fundamental questions capable of raising reflections that can subvert the conditions imposed by the current reality? Such is the hypothesis that will guide our investigation. We will seek to recognize the exemplary character of this work in the face of the control exercised by a sovereign and superb rationality, inserting it in the list of artistic modernity.


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Author Biography

Mauro Dela Bandera Arco Júnior, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP

Mestrando em Filosofia na FFLCH/USP (Universidade de São Paulo).


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How to Cite

Arco Júnior, M. D. B. (2010). The other voice or the otherness of reason in the work of João Guimarães Rosa. Literatura E Autoritarismo, (15), 79–96.