Literature versus history and the representation of identity in Os cus de judas, by Lobo Antunes, and in Vinte e zinco, by Mia Couto


  • Chaiane da Cunha Islabão Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Pelotas, RS



Literature, History, Fiction, Context, National indentity


This assignment examines the relationship between Literature and History, from the novels Os cus de Judasby Lobo Antunes and Vinte e zincoby Mia Couto, analyzing how such literary work, through fiction, questions History, making it shows a new meaning, constructed from a new discourse and a new point of enunciation, and collaborates to the construction of a new identity and of a new collective imagination.


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Author Biography

Chaiane da Cunha Islabão, Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Pelotas, RS

Especialização em Letras – Literatura Comparada, pela Universidade Federal de Pelotas


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How to Cite

Islabão, C. da C. (2011). Literature versus history and the representation of identity in Os cus de judas, by Lobo Antunes, and in Vinte e zinco, by Mia Couto. Literatura E Autoritarismo, (18), e6.