RPG Master: from the narrator's reflection to the narrative prism





Narrator, Narrative, Literature, RPG


This paper proposes a discussion about the master of the Role Playing Game (RPG) comparing with Walter Benjamin's concept of narrator. Because they are distinct categories, it is important to highlight their diferences and to demonstrate how the RPG master can be seen as an image of the literary narrator. Thus, as in any mirror, the refletion doesn't identical to the original. While the Benjamin's narrator is based on wisdom, the RPG master creates conditions for the players to collaborate with the construction of the narrative. The RPG master is a The RPG master is a dual-function host: when he welcomes players and when he hears the others stories to return as part of the game. The narratives, in turn, can be compared to colors, because the different adventures mix as if a prism, acquiring several shades of stories. Like the narrator, the RPG master rescues, in part, the habit of storytelling. These discussions aim to support a proposal for teaching literature from RPG, in which the literary texto approaches the notion of game based on the reflections of Wolfgang Iser and elements of aesthetics of reception.


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Author Biographies

João Luis Pereira Ourique, Universidade Federal de Pelotas

Associate Professor at the Federal University of Pelotas

Jeean Karlos Souza Gomes, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande

Doctoral student at the Federal University of Rio Grande - FURG


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How to Cite

Ourique, J. L. P., & Gomes, J. K. S. . (2022). RPG Master: from the narrator’s reflection to the narrative prism. Literatura E Autoritarismo, (26), 95–106. https://doi.org/10.5902/1679849X70235