The lyricism of the misfits: an analysis of the outsiders in the play and we were all thunderbirds, by Mário Bortolotto


  • José Sérgio Custódio Universidade Estadual de Londrina
  • Ricardo Gomes da Silva Universidade Estadual de Londrina
  • Willian André Universidade Estadual de Londrina



Mário Bortolotto, E éramos todos Thunderbirds, Outsiders, Marginal lyricism


The aim of this paper is to analyze the play E éramos todos Thunderbirds, by playwright Mário Bortolotto, based on Howard Becker’s theory about the outsiders. Having in mind that outsiders are all those people who deviate from society’s conduct rules, it seems possible to assert that almost all the characters in the play can be classified as outsiders. In face to that, we are going to analyze the outsider positioning and conduct of these characters, and verify how this behavior that is strange to a specific social pattern gives to the analyzed work a kind of “marginal lyricism”.


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ROSENFELD, Anatol. O teatro épico. 3. edição. São Paulo: Perspectiva,1997.

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How to Cite

Custódio, J. S., Silva, R. G. da ., & André, W. (2012). The lyricism of the misfits: an analysis of the outsiders in the play and we were all thunderbirds, by Mário Bortolotto. Literatura E Autoritarismo, (19).