Among traces and remains: the memory of the Colonial War in the fiction of António Lobo Antunes
Colonial War, Memory, Trauma, Testimony, António Lobo AntunesAbstract
The Colonial War (1961-1974) is inscribed in the history of Portugal as a traumatic memory, since it is a period of tension and disruption of the nation's collective identity. During the thirteen years of fighting, the Portuguese empire experienced an extremely troubled and violent relationship with its overseas colonies on the African continent, being forced to fight the independence movements in order to avoid the physical and identity dismemberment of the nation. This essay analyzes the representation of the memory of the Colonial War in the novel Até que as pedras se tornem mais leves que a água, published by António Lobo Antunes in 2017. The Portuguese literature that emerged from the experience of war seeks to symbolize, translate and transform into language, through the symbolic and narrative strategies of art, the pain, trauma and mourning generated by the armed conflict that marked an entire generation of Portuguese and Africans.
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