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Manifestations of subversion to power in Lavoura arcaica, by Raduan Nassar, based on the studies of Michel Foucault




Power, Subversion, Sexuality, Lavoura Arcaica, Michel Foucault


The objective of this article is to investigate the manifestation of subversion to power in the novel Lavoura Arcaica, by Raduan Nassar, in a comparison with the studies of the philosopher Michel Foucault, in History of Sexuality. Promoting a dialogue between theory and literature, it is proposed to show the subversion that can occur within the characters' speeches, as well as in sexuality, which presents itself as a mechanism of subversion to power in the novel. In the end, we conclude that subversion is an extension of power, which, in turn, walks alongside sexuality, maintaining a subtle game of refusals and authorizations.


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Author Biographies

Ananda Maisa Coelho Souza

Especialista em Literatura Comparada

Andrei Santos de Morais, Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará- UFOPA

Doutor em Literatura


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How to Cite

Souza, A. M. C., & Morais, A. S. de. (2022). Manifestations of subversion to power in Lavoura arcaica, by Raduan Nassar, based on the studies of Michel Foucault. Literatura E Autoritarismo, (39), 59–70.