Narration and Memory: The Heritage of Evangelina in Azul-Corvo
Adriana Lisboa, Contemporary narrator, Memory, Identity, Brazilian civil-military regimeAbstract
This study aims to understand the narrator in the novel Azul-Corvo (2010). Thus, it is necessary to understand how this narrator, who is Evangelina, behaves in front of her with all the work about collecting and organizing memories, these sometimes involving the memory of other characters; we try to perceive how such a process interconnects the intention of the novel to seek totality of the character's identity. To this end, we seek to understand the posture of the contemporary narrator and how it manifests itself in Lisboa's production, in addition to apprehending the treatment of questions about traumatic historical events, such as the Brazilian civil-military regime in 1964. The intention is, therefore, understand how the narrator's contact with this memorialistic universe, the relationships she builds with other characters contribute to the protagonist's final state of wholeness and, consequently, to the way she narrates. As a theoretical-critical basis, studies by Karl Eric Schøllhamer (2011), Theodor Adorno (2012), Jöel Candau (2011), among others, were used.Downloads
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