From Dream to Tower: Hofmannsthal's last drama as a reaction to the First War


  • Helmut Galle USP



Austria, 1st World War, Totalitarianism, Tragedy, H. v. Hofmannsthal.


In 1928, Hugo von Hofmannsthal published The Tower, his last play and his legacy, based on La vida es sueño by Calderón de la Barca. The fictional plot presents an ancient Poland shaken by a lost war and oscillating between three kinds of government: the traditional, the legal and the charismatic. Sigismund, the son of the dethroned despot, fails to establish himself as a new and humane ruler and so does the millenaristic revolution of the orphan children; the triumph falls to the soldier Olivier, supported by radical amorality and brutal troopers. This scenario can be seen as an allegory of the Austrian post-war context and of the rising of fascist movements in Europe. Hofmannsthal also integrates elements from the works of M. Weber, W. Benjamin and C. Schmitt in The Tower, so it can be understood as a fictional complement to the perceptive analyzes made by these intellectuals of the European society after the catastrophe of the war.


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Author Biography

Helmut Galle, USP

Possui graduação e doutorado em Neuere Deutsche Literatur - Freie Universität Berlin (1988). Livre-docente em Literatura Alemã pela USP em 2011. Atualmente é ms-5 (rdidp) professor associado da Universidade de São Paulo. Tem experiência na área de Letras, com ênfase em Literaturas Estrangeiras Modernas, atuando principalmente na área de literatura alemã e nos seguintes temas: literatura contemporânea, a época de Goethe, poesia lírica alemã, narrativa alemã, autobiografia, memoria coletiva, literatura do holocausto, literatura e história, teoria da narrativa e teoria da ficcionalidade. Bolsista de Produtividade em Pesquisa do CNPq - Nível 2.


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How to Cite

Galle, H. (2020). From Dream to Tower: Hofmannsthal’s last drama as a reaction to the First War. Literatura E Autoritarismo, (24).