History and its silences: Honrarás a tu padre y a tu madre, by Cristina Fallarás





Contemporary Spanish Literature, Spanish Civil War, Memory


The novel Honrarás a tu padre y a tu madre, by the Spanish writer Cristina Fallarás, deals with the consequences of the Civil War and Franco’s repression in Spanish society today. Through the recovery of memories and events from the family past that had been silenced, the narrator - who not by chance has the same name of the author - questions her own personal history and the History of her country. The purpose of this work is to highlight the process of identity resignification carried out by the character, based on the contributions of Michael Pollak, on memory and identity, and Clara ValverdeGefaell, on the generational transmission of the trauma of political violence in the 20th century in Spain.


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Author Biography

Joyce Rodrigues Ferraz-Infante, Universidade Federal de São Carlos

Professora Doutora de Literaturas de Língua Espanhola no Departamento de Letras/DL e no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Literatura/PPGLit da Universidade Federal de São Carlos.


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How to Cite

Ferraz-Infante, J. R. (2020). History and its silences: Honrarás a tu padre y a tu madre, by Cristina Fallarás. Literatura E Autoritarismo, (35). https://doi.org/10.5902/1679849X43896