Corporatopia and caostopia: the dystopian spaces in Margaret Atwood's MaddAddam trilogy
Dystopia, Margaret Atwood, MaddAddam TrilogyAbstract
From the perspective of the dystopian studies (BARTON, 2016; CAVALCANTI, 2003; CLAEYS, 217; MOYLAN 2003), we present an analysis of the dystopian spaces in the MaddAddam trilogy (2003, 2009, 2013), by the Canadian author Margaret Atwood. Based on the analysis, we propose that the trilogy presents a corporativist dystopia, extrapolating certain negative aspects of the capitalistic economic system, to depict a society controlled by corporations and whose dwelling spaces, be that of the elite or the of the unprivileged classes, are both dystopic, although each space presents different characteristics. We conclude that, the kind of control and violence against people in this fictional society, being expressed in different ways ultimately serves to the interests of a small corporate elite in the trilogy that values profit above any moral or ethical standards. Thus, the work has a critical potential in the dialogue with our historical societyDownloads
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