Witness in and out: violence, trauma and memory in Martyrs (2008)
Martyrs, Images of violence, Horror movie, Imaginary, Gilbert DurandAbstract
This paper proposes to discuss the relationship between pleasure and viewer’s horror in the face of violence imaginary representation in the French-Canadian film Martyrs (2008), directed and written by Pascal Laugier. This movie belongs a new generation of French horror films that are characterized by the extreme violence and scripts that avoid clichés. However, these movies sometimes fall unreasonably into the gratuitous violence representation and other structural plot problems. From this perspective, it is analyzed how Martyrs construction contributes for the diffusion of the debate on violence, trauma and memory in cultural productions. As a theoretical contribution, in order to analyses the imaginary elements that compose the movie, we base our studies into the Gilbert Durand researches on anthropological structures of the imaginary.Downloads
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Unseen Holocaust. Direção: IMC Vision. EUA, 2014. 78 min.
Martyrs. Direção: Pascal Laugier. The Weinstein Company. França/Canadá, 2008. 99 min.
Martyrs. Direção: Kevin Goetz, Michael Goetz. Anchor Bay Films. EUA, 2015. 86 min.
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